Who we are  


The Rwanda Young Women Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) network is an inclusive network that gathers young women led organizations including Civil Society Organization (CSOs) and social enterprise working for women’s right promotion and intervening in the domain of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), with focus on advocacy for SRHR advancement of women and girls in Rwanda  




  1. Save Generations Organization 
  2. Afro Ark  
  3. Kosmotive 
  4. Young Women’s Mentor Network  
  5. Impanuro Girls Initiative 
  6. Paper Crown Rwanda 
  7. Generation Rise 
  8. Rwanda Esther’s Initiative  
  9. Hope for Single Mothers with Disabilities 
  10. Bold Women Rwanda 
  11. Feminist Action Development Ambition 
  12. Women’s Health and Equal Right Association Rwanda  
  13. I Matter Initiative 
  14. Our Sister’s Opportunity 
  15. Girls Leaders Forum Rwanda 
  16. Impower Rwanda  
  17. Saye / Dukataze Company 


Why RYW SRHR Network ?

The Rwanda Young Women's SRHR network was established in 2022 with an aim to create a safe space for coordination and collective mobilization among young women who aim to ensure a strong, diverse, and vibrant SRHR activism in Rwanda. While women and girls are the most vulnerable groups affected by consequences of SRHR abuse, the main network goal is to amplify young girls and women’s voices on the SRHR issues they faced. 

  • Vision 

A society where sexual and reproductive health rights of women and girls in all their diversity are respected. 


  • Mission 

We are an inclusive network, in solidarity to advance and advocate for realization of girls and young women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health rights and gender equality. 



Integrity, Dignity, Mutual respect, Inclusivity, Solidarity, Transparency.  



Empower to empower  


  • Target audience

  • Adolescent girls and women  


  1. Strengthen solidarity, coordination, partnerships building and raising resources    together for girls and young women-led organizations working on SRHR. 
  2. Create a safe space for sharing and peer learning of young women organizations working in SRHR. 
  3. Research and documentation for advocacy and collective voice for girls’ and young women‘s SRHR and gender equality. 



All our actions are based on the following principles: 

  1. Women and girl’s rights at the center  
  2. Intersectional approach 
  3. Gender mainstreaming  
  4. Partnership and synergy oriented  
  5. Active and committed membership. 
  6. Research and evidence-based approach. 




Areas of intervention 


  1. Advocacy: it intends to advocate for SRHR of girls and women to be respected and amplify their voices in front of public decision-makers and advocating for policy changes in terms of SRHR, such as quality health services, access to contraception, women to fully have bodily autonomy and make decisions on their bodies, access to research-based information. All this to achieve women and girl's empowerment and inclusive society. 
  2.   Capacity building for the members: It intends to Build capacities for members on various principles and concepts including Feminism, human right, intersectionality, policy analysis, advocacy strategies and legal frameworks related to SRHR. Etc... 
  3.   Research: it intends on doing research on SRHR related topics and share the information with our target audience for evidence-based advocacy and policy reforms.  


 RYW SRHR NETWORK PHOTO 2023: Network members in an advocacy  meeting disseminating the finding ON SRHR issues faced by adolescent girls  and young women from an assessment done by the network.


 RYW SRHR NETWORK PHOTO 2023  SRHR network members in a quarterly meeting planning together for 2023-2024 interventions to strengthen their advocacy engagement


RYW SRHR Network photo 2022: Network members in a workshop on safe and legal abortion building capacity on the SRHR frameworks in Rwanda and holding discussions about bodily autonomy for women and girls

RYW SRHR NETWORK PHOTO 2023: Steering committee meeting holding a monthly meeting on building the network and resource mobilization strategies for the networks sustainability.

RYW SRHR NETWORK PHOTO: network members in a training on Intersectionality to ensure integration of intersectional approach to SRHR information and service delivery that leaves no one behind

 RYW SRHR NETWORK PHOTO 2022: Network members raising awareness to 935 adolescents, teen mothers with and without disabilities and young women from 9 districts about the ministerial order that  determines conditions to be satisfied for a medical doctor to perform an abortion.  


How the network works  


  • General Assembly (Network members): Composed by all network members who have equal rights in the network, the General Assembly takes place on a quarterly basis. 


  • Steering Committee/ Leading organizations: Composed of Advisory body and secretariat, the Steering Committee represent the Network and works with Secretariat to coordinate the network. The structure rotates every 2 years. 


Partnership and networking  

Rwanda Young Women SRHR networks values Partnerships and networking as it gives the network an opportunity to access a broader range of resources and expertise from different stakeholders.  

RYW SRHR network has achieved different partnerships a few among includes:  

Our partners






 How to become a member  


Here are some criteria:  

  1. Women-led, young women-led and young women serving organizations and social businesses working on SRHR issues in the context of Rwanda. 
  2. Organizations should be registered at least temporary to become a member 


If you want to be part of the adventure, show us your interest via  




Secretariat’s office Address: Save Generations Organization
KG 8 Avenue 104 (Remera Sector in Gasabo District), Kigali, Rwanda







